Social cognitive theory is an important theory used in the field of social work. But what is it, and how can its individual components make for more effective social work interventions? The answers to these questions are explored below.

What is social cognitive theory? 

Science and education are a central part of modern society, and this extends into the foundations on which social work is built. Scientific theories prevalent in the sector are evidence of this, and social cognitive theory is one of the most important for helping clients – but what does it involve? 

In basic terms, this theory sets out that observing the actions of others and environmental/social factors all have a major influence on how we behave. The theory also asserts that these factors can have a big impact on the life choices that people make and how they respond to situations in life. 

This theory was developed by Albert Bandura, who was a social cognitive psychologist and academic. Bandura’s most famous research moment when creating this theory was the Bobo doll experiment. This was a study into aggression modeling behavior and saw children observing adults hitting a blow-up doll called Bobo. The research found that after watching this behavior, the children were more likely to become aggressive toward the doll. 

Why is social cognitive theory useful for social workers?

If you are thinking of moving into social work, you must be prepared to help the most vulnerable people in society. This can often be people who adopt behaviors or make life choices that are not beneficial to them. One of the most valuable ways that social workers can help these clients is by using models such as social cognitive theory to facilitate positive changes in their life. 

But why does social cognitive theory prove such a popular model to adopt for those in social work? In many cases, damaging choices can be driven by the environment that people are in or copying the behaviors of those who they surround themselves with. It may also be due to previous experiences that people form bad lifestyle habits or adopt behaviors that are not good for them. 

This theory focuses specifically on these disparate elements and can prove useful in showing clients what could be driving the damaging life choices they are making. This in turn can help clients to not only see what behaviors might be causing them undue stress in life, but also which factors are behind these behaviors. Once this is achieved, clients can work with social workers to modify their actions and improve their overall situation. 

How does social cognitive theory work in practice? 

Although the above sets out what this theory is and how it can be useful in social work, you may still be wondering how professionals in this industry put it into practice. In truth, there are numerous ways across the sector, and it is a model on which many social work professionals rely. 

A good example may be a client presenting themselves to a social worker who has a drug problem from which they are trying to escape. The social worker may use social cognitive theory to dig into what is shaping their behavior around drug taking and what is preventing them from being able to kick the habit. 

This may well involve looking at the client’s social circle, how these people behave, and the pressure that their client may feel socially from their circle of friends to take drugs. By focusing on these factors, the social worker can then help the client to make positive changes in these areas of their life to help achieve their goal.

What are the key components of social cognitive theory? 

Social cognitive theory in social work includes some key components that make it a useful tool for professionals in the industry. These components are: 

  • Self-efficacy 
  • Observational learning
  • Goal setting
  • Self-monitoring
  • Reinforcement 

For this social work model to have the most positive impact in terms of modifying a client’s behavior, the above components play a crucial role. They essentially set the framework from which social cognitive theory operates, and give social workers a clear roadmap to follow in terms of implementation. 

Effective interventions in social work and social cognitive theory

Social workers often perform interventions when operating in this sector. These are simply short or long-term actions that they take to provide services to people who need them. These interventions can be for individual people or wider communities. The key thing to note is that interventions must be effective in their aims to achieve the best results for clients. An intervention that is not effective may well do more harm than good or not improve the client’s overall situation. 

Social cognitive theory is a popular model for those in the profession to adopt because it is a powerful driver of effective interventions in the right circumstances. This is due to the individual components discussed above working together to help clients make behavioral changes that benefit them. 

But what does each component of this theory cover, and how do they help facilitate effective social work interventions? 


This component of social cognitive theory refers to the fact that each individual is in control of their own behavior and is responsible for their actions. This forms a key concept of social cognitive theory and helps clients understand that they alone are responsible for how they act, what they do, or the behaviors they adopt. 

By understanding this, clients can begin to take back control of their life and make positive changes to their behaviors. It also enables them to feel more powerful in terms of their life choices and avoid handing control over their actions to other people. As a result, it can help social work interventions be more effective and see clients take responsibility for their behavior, which can then drive positive changes.

Observational learning

Understanding that they need to change their behaviors and that they have the power to do so is a good starting point for clients in social work interventions – but what if they do not know how they should be behaving to drive positive life changes? This can be a common problem for people who have grown up in certain environments where the negative behaviors that are causing them issues are all that they know. 

Observational learning becomes a very important part of social cognitive theory in this regard and can certainly help any social work intervention have a better chance of success. This component sees clients watching how other people in society who show their desired behavior perform and modeling their own actions on them. Being able to see more positive behaviors in the real world can be a valuable learning tool for clients and give them a clear idea of how to behave themselves.

A good example of this component may be someone who is socially anxious but wanting to gain employment watching how other people act at work. This can show them the right way to go about it and help the intervention be more successful. 

Goal setting 

The next important component in social cognitive theory and effective behavioral interventions is the setting of goals. This is key because it clearly signals what the intervention is trying to achieve and also what any changes to behavior are designed to achieve. 

Setting clear goals can really help clients understand what they are trying to do and how best to get there. It can also help give them something tangible to aim for and keep them on the right track in terms of the choices they make in life. Due to these factors, goal setting is very helpful for making any interventions more successful and allowing this theory in social work to function effectively. 


Once clients have set clear goals as part of the social cognitive theory approach, it is critical that they are able to monitor their future behavior in line with them. Self-monitoring lies at the core of any successful intervention based on this theory, as social workers cannot be with clients 24/7 to track their behavior or step in when they might be about to make a poor behavioral choice. 

Due to this, clients must be able to monitor their own behavior and take steps to regulate it. This will enable them to put what has been discussed with their social worker into practice and stay on track in terms of achieving their stated goals. Without the ability or willingness to self-monitor, clients are open to behaving impulsively or not recognizing when they have slipped back into copying others. 


Reinforcement lies at the heart of social cognitive theory and involves rewarding positive behaviors and incentivizing actions that lead to the achievement of set goals. Reinforcement helps to show clients that good things come when they make positive changes to their behavior and work to hit their goals. 

They can also be important in giving clients the motivation to work toward objectives set through social cognitive therapy – especially if they are finding it hard going at times. As a result, positive reinforcements are a valuable tool in promoting more successful interventions in social work. 

What other models and theories do social workers use? 

If you plan to operate in the social work sector, it is key to know that social cognitive theory is only one of the theories in social work. The most successful professionals in the industry will use the right theory for the right situation, and this makes knowing about some of the other popular models in social work worthwhile. 

One of the most celebrated globally is psychodynamic theory, which is credited to Sigmund Freud. This theory states that human behavior is geared toward attaining gratification, and this process is based on unconscious awareness steeped in childhood experiences. The theory also touches on how behaviors can be driven by our deep-rooted and often taboo desires.  

Psychosocial theory is another key model that social workers adopt at times. Developed by Erik Erikson, it states that all humans go through eight stages of psychosocial growth and that we experience a battle between our social environment/psychological requirements at every stage.  

Rational choice theory is also a common model used in modern social work and states that people’s decisions are driven on their own internal cost-benefit analysis. In essence, most people will behave in a certain way if they feel that the benefits outweigh the costs. This can naturally lead to some destructive behavior, which social workers then have to work hard to unpick via this model. 

What other key theories are used in modern social work? 

Systems theory is one framework for helping clients that you may hear about as a social worker. This theory states that the behavior of any one person may be influenced by the systems that are around them. As a result, how we act may be affected by multiple external factors that come out of these systems. This could be anything from our family structure to our employment status or even large-scale events such as war. By identifying which systems around them might be driving negative behavior, social workers can use this theory to stimulate positive client change. 

Perhaps the last major theory that social workers tend to use is transpersonal theory. This is often seen as something of a more holistic approach and brings together emotional, spiritual and physical elements to help clients. Created by Carl Jung, it is mainly based around promoting a healthy spirit in order to attain happiness. This theory can often include specific activities such as meditation, hypnotherapy and art classes. 

Why are theories important in social work? 

When you take the above theories into account and also consider social cognitive theory, it is clear that these set frameworks play a key role in social work. But why are they such a critical part of the industry? 

Properly researched and tested theories (such as social cognitive theory) help social workers in their daily roles and give them a way to better understand clients. They can also aid in helping social workers understand what is driving a client’s behavior and how people may be encouraged to act in a more positive way to change their situation. 

With tried-and-tested theories to rely on, social work professionals can best identify which one might provide the most effective results for any intervention they make. Theories such as social cognitive theory also give social workers confidence going into client meetings that they are able to help and have the best knowledge behind them to do so. 

Social work theories also mean that social workers provide help that is based on logic, reason and science. This means that the assistance they provide is never based on their own subjective opinions or emotions. 

Theories show why learning is so important in social work

Education plays a key role in our professional lives, and this can be seen in the higher-level qualifications that are required for many roles. People looking to become social workers need the right kind of credentials to break into the field.

The online social work graduate programs at Cleveland State University are the type of advanced qualifications needed for a social work career and are perfect for those looking to switch careers into this field. This course not only teaches students all they need to know for clinical or generalized social work pathways, but also offers 100% online coursework and field placement services. As you might expect, courses such as this involve learning about the key theories and models that you may use when helping people as a social worker.

The importance of proper education and training for social workers can also be seen through the various theories in the sector and how crucial it is for social workers to know about them.

Without learning about models such as social cognitive theory through advanced education, social workers wouldn’t be able to deliver effective interventions or offer the best help to clients. Learning about key concepts through education also means that social work professionals have a number of frameworks to use when dealing with clients and can select the best one for any situation. 

All of this shows what a key role education plays in the social work sector and how vital it is for these professionals to gain knowledge of the most common theories through study.

Social cognitive theory and effective social work interventions

As the above shows, social cognitive theory is not only a useful framework for social workers to adopt when helping clients, but also has several core components that drive better interventions. If you are planning to move into a social work career, it is crucial to understand not only how this theory works but also how these components make it so powerful. By getting the right education to assist the most vulnerable in society, you will be able to perform much more effectively. 

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