The Rebirth of Plato’s Lost Science

Roberto Denti, the Founder of Quantum Art International, in association with Massimo Pregnolato, Head of Pavia University’s Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Italy, is now promoting an international art competition entitled ‘Creativity and Antidote for Human Survival’ as being an integral part of the 21st Century Renaissance.

What they do not know is that the Director of the Sustainability Research Institute in Australia has just now received an extraordinary assessment of their work, based upon the research of world famous philosophers of science. This assessment provides indisputable evidence that their work is bringing about the rebirth of Plato’s lost science that the Great Italian Renaissance failed to do. Their Antidote for Human Survival is now of great global importance.

Both Denti and Pregnolato are fully aware that paintings can contain true 3D stereoscopic images, as the artist Salvador Dali predicted. They are aware that in the 21st Century paintings are appearing that demonstrate dramatic 3D images. Neurologists are now studying this to understand its evolutionary significance. The rebirth of Plato’s lost science to prevent unformed matter emerging from the physical atom, from the perspective of the Korean crisis, certainly warrants immediate international investigation. Their human survival antidote information was found to express the scientific sustainability of Plato’s educational system.

That system was based upon arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy and harmonics. Plato’s Republic refers specifically to plane geometry being associated with evolving visual and auditory spiritual perception. He stated that plane geometry was not to be used for practical purposes but only to elucidate the mind’s relationship to the workings of an infinite, ethical universal purpose.

The reason that this science is lost is because it describes the workings of a holographic universe, which is in complete denial of the mechanistic worldview held by Einstein and modern science, that all life in the universe must be destroyed in obedience to the second law of thermodynamics.

During the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci insisted that Plato’s spiritual plane geometry was false. He incorrectly stated that the plane surface of a painting could never contain true 3D images. This mistake corrupted the attempt to rediscover the lost ethical Greek atomic science needed to avoid the destruction of civilization by atomic weaponry.

The Israeli scientist, Guy Deutscher’s 2010 book of the year ‘Through the Language Glass’ revived the colour perception theories of William Gladstone the Prime Minister of Great Britain, which were rejected by the 19th Century’s Great Darwinian Debate. From Deutscher’s research a new neurological science emerged.

Immanuel Kant’s description of an ethical, spiritual, electromagnetic field evolving within the creative, artistic mind, derived from Plato’s search for a spiritual ethic as distinct from mechanistic science.

Following Deutscher’s discovery, Denti and Pregnolato’s crucial work provides the world’s only visual evidence validating the new medical science. The 1955 Russell-Einstein Manifesto proclaimed the threat to humanity posed by the development of nuclear weaponry and called for world leaders to resolve this problem. While their attempt failed, Denti and Pregnolato’s antidote discovery provides the crucial information that is essential to achieve that objective.

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