Email Solo Ads – 5 Steps To Get A Massive Influx Of Traffic

One of the most powerful ways to get a massive influx of traffic is to buy email solo ads. What are they? These are dedicated solo mailings for your offer that you purchase from marketers or companies who have email lists of subscribers. As your offer will be the only one that is featured in the email, your response rate will be much higher than if there were other offers to distract the reader. That is why buying email solo ads can be very lucrative.

Contrary to what many people think, buying email solo ads effectively need not be a complicated process. Here are 5 simple steps to get started buying these mailings to boost your traffic overnight:

Step 1: Find Marketers Or Companies Selling Solo Email Advertising

First, you have to find marketers or companies who are actually selling these ads. This is not as difficult as it sounds. Within hours, you can have a list of hundreds of potential lists and newsletters can advertise in. One of the top sources to find many newsletters to advertise in is called Directory Of Ezines, which has been run by Charlie Page for several years. You can search by niche in the directory and find dozens and hundreds of related ezines for your offer. Another option is to search Google by using these search parameters ‘your niche + ezine’ or ‘your niche + newsletter’.

Step 2: Study Newsletters And Make A Shortlist

Once you have made a list of newsletters you might want to advertise in, start joining them by signing up using your email. Study the style, tone and content of these newsletters. This step will allow you to see if the newsletters are a good fit for your offer. Then make a shortlist of newsletters you are going to advertise in.

Step 3: Run Your Ad

Run your ad in one or a few newsletters to start off with. You don’t want to start advertising in dozens of newsletters right off the bat unless you know that your offer is responsive when mailed to targeted email lists. If you have an unlimited budget, then sure, go right ahead. But you will more likely want to test the waters first by advertising in one or a few newsletters.

For email ads, the most important thing is to have an effective subject line that invokes curiosity and/or briefly covers the chief benefit of your offer.

Step 4: Test & Track Your Ad

In any form of advertising, testing and tracking the response of your ads is vital. There is a popular saying that half of advertising budgets are often wasted, but it is not known which half. Well, if you are using direct response channels like email marketing, you can test and track your response and know whether your ad is responding. You can track open rates, click-through rates and sales from an offer. Use tracking tools like Google Analytics, Hypertracker or AdTrackz to test and track the performance of your ads. Then optimize your ads to improve their performance.

Step 5: Expand By Adding More Lists Into The Mix

Once you have optimized your ads reasonably well enough that they are performing up to or beyond your expected standards, you can start ramping up the traffic by advertising to more lists and newsletters. This is where you expand your business to really massive levels and increase your traffic and profits.

You have now got a pretty good idea of how to put email solo ads to work for your business. All you have to do is implement the steps!

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